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  1. 1小美人鱼The Little Mermaid(2018)
  2. 2磨坊惊魂Under the Mill(2016)
  3. 3致命女人Women Who Kill(2017)
  4. 4第一枪给律师First Shoot the Lawyers(2016)
  5. 5仿真机器人Android(2018)
  6. 6坏孩子下地狱2Bad Kids of Crestview Academy (2017)
  7. 7地下室The Vault(2017)
  8. 8魔法训练营Magic Camp(2018)
  9. 9我是无名女I am Jane Doe(2017)
  10. 10信仰的措施The Measure of Your Faith(2016)
  11. 11战争魔术师The War Magician(2017)
  12. 12金·凯瑞和安迪·考夫曼:超越伟大Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond - The Story of Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton(2017)
  13. 13魔发奇缘:幸福前奏Tangled: Before Ever After(2017)
  14. 14不是一般的黑人电影Not Another Black Movie(2016)
  15. 15惊心食人族3Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral(2017)
  16. 16新控方证人Witness for the Prosecution(2018)
  17. 17我的宽容岁月My days of mercy(2017)
  18. 18未命名围城电影Untitled Siege Picture(2016)
  19. 19黑疯婆子的万圣节2Boo 2! A Madea Halloween(2017)
  20. 20未定名耶稣复活项目The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection(2018)
  21. 21原谅我,伦纳德·皮考克Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock(2017)
  22. 22直击!摇滚乐的迷幻精神曼陀罗SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra of Rock(2016)
  23. 23分裂Split (2017)
  24. 24使命召唤(2018)
  25. 25下雪吧Let It Snow(2017)
  26. 26露水风波Crash Pad(2017)
  27. 27德克萨斯僵尸大战:达拉斯 Texas Zombie Wars: Dallas (2016)
  28. 28隔声罩Enclosure(2016)
  29. 29奥菲莉娅Ophelia(2018)
  30. 30幽灵之城City of Ghosts(2017)